Stanford NER is a named-entity recognizer based on linear chain Conditional Random Field (CRF) sequence models. This post details some of the experiments I’ve done with it, using a corpus to train a Named-Entity Recognizer: the features I’ve explored (some undocumented), how to setup a web service exposing the trained model and how to call it from a python script.

Stanford NER

Stanford NER requires Java, I’ve used StanfordNER 3.8.0, which requires Java v1.8+, so the first thing is to have Java v1.8+ installed and running on your system.

Once Java is setup, you can run Stanford NER using one of the already trained models, which are distributed together with the zip file.

Create a file with a sample sentence in english.

echo "Switzerland, Davos 2018: Soros accuses Trump of wanting a 'mafia state' and blasts social media." > test_file.txt

Then, to apply the english.all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz to the sentence above, run the java command shown bellow:

java -cp stanford-ner-2017-06-09/stanford-ner.jar -loadClassifier classifiers/english.all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz -textFile test_file.txt

This should output:

Switzerland/LOCATION ,/O Davos/PERSON 2018/O :/O Soros/PERSON accuses/O Trump/PERSON of/O wanting/O a/O `/O mafia/O state/O '/O and/O blasts/O social/O media/O ./O

The output of the model can be configured with the -outputFormat parameter, for instance, with -outputFormat tsv, you get:

Switzerland	LOCATION
,	O
2018	O
:	O
accuses	O
of	O
wanting	O
a	O
`	O
mafia	O
state	O
'	O
and	O
blasts	O
social	O
media	O
.	O

The possible formats are: xml, inlineXML, tsv or slashTags

Training your own model

This section describes the basic steps to train your own NER model, from pre-processing the corpus (if needed), creating k-folds for cross-fold validation, defining the features to use, and running Stanford NER in evaluation mode.


I’ve used a annotated corpus which unfortunately isn’t public available, and this experiments were done in the context of a research project while doing my PhD, with the goal to train a named-entity recognizer for Portuguese. The CINTIL Corpus – International Corpus of Portuguese is only available through a commercial or academic research license.


The first thing I did was to pre-process the original corpus. In it’s original form, CINTIL doesn’t contain any contractions of prepositions and articles, most probably the tokenizer used to pre-process the corpus, before the annotations being added, extended all the possible contractions among prepositions and articles, for instance:

Na freguesia, a populaçao ... appears as: Em a freguesia, a população ...

Daí que ele julgou ... appears as De aí que ele julgou que ...

You can read more about Portuguese contractions here and here.

So I come up with a script (very quick and dirty) to convert the extended contractions back to the short original forms, since that is the way one finds most of the news texts in Portuguese.

I also converted the original corpus format into a CoNNL style format, i.e., one token per line, since the original corpus is distributed in XML format.

Then, I discard some annotations (i.e., MSC and EVT) which were not relevant for my experiments. I’ve kept the original BIO encoding schema for 4 different types of named-entities, resulting in a total of 30 343 sentences, and the following number of tags for each token:

          Total Number of Tokens

B-LOC            5 831   
I-LOC            2 999   

B-ORG            6 404
I-ORG            5 766

B-PER           11 308
I-PER            8 728  

B-WRK            1 532
I-WRK            2 192  

O              594 077
Total          638 837


I’ve created 5 folds, with around of 6 068 sentences per fold, over the original corpus. I noticed after looking at the distribution of types of entities per fold, that the folds were unbalanced.

I ran some experiments, using this original distribution of tags per folds, and quickly noticed that the results were very low for some tags. Therefore, I simply shuffled the order of sentences in the corpus, and then generated new folds.

Notice that the order of the sentences doesn’t influence the model, since the CRF will tag each sentence individually. I then inspected the distribution of tokens, which was now balanced compared to before.

You can apply more robust techniques to achieve this balance, but sometimes, like in this case, a simply shuffle will do the trick.

Training / Testing

The command to train each fold using StanfordNER is the following:

java -Xmx10g -cp stanford-ner-2017-06-09/stanford-ner.jar -prop stanford_ner.prop -trainFile corpus/fold_1_2_3_4 -testFile corpus/fold_0 1>tagged_fold_0.csv 2>results_fold_0.txt -serializeTo model_0.ser.gz`

Breaking it down:

-prop stanford_ner.prop: the file which contains the configuration for the model be learned, such as features and the learning algorithm (see next section);

-trainFile corpus/fold_1_2_3_4: file containing training data;

-testFile corpus/fold_0: file containing testing data;

1>tagged_fold_0.csv: output of the tagged training data, it contains 3 columns: word, true_tag, predicted_tag; this can be useful to perform further evaluations;

2>results_fold_0.txt: output of the evaluation results and also the logging produced during the feature extraction/generation and the learning algorithm, might be useful to confirm which properties are on, the number of iterations of the learning algorithm, etc.;

-serializeTo model_fold_0.ser.gz: file to save the learned model.

The built-in evaluation of StanfordNER shows the results per label and aggregated, that is, you see the overall results for LOC, ORG, PER and WRK, and not on each possible token label, i.e.: B-LOC, I-LOC, etc.

I wrote a simple script which read all the results for each fold (e.g., output in the file results_fold_X.txt), that is, the true label and the predicted label, and computes precision, recall and F1 for each token label.

Features: experiments and results

One of the great advantages of StanfordNER is the powerful features template, which I believe, is the contribution of different persons, students and researchers from the NLP group at Stanford.

The downside is that the documentation is not so great and sometimes, you really need to go through the source code to understand exactly what each feature represents.

Experiment 1

I started with a simple set of baseline features which also include gazetteer and distributional similarity features:

The first set of features is:

usePrev = true
useNext = true
useTags = true

according to the documentation (javadoc file for

  • usePrev: Gives you feature for (pw,c), and together with other options enables other previous features, such as (pt,c) [with useTags]

  • useNext: Gives you feature for (nw,c), and together with other options enables other next features, such as (nt,c) [with useTags]

  • useTags: Gives you features for (t,c), (pt,c) [if usePrev], (nt,c) [if useNext]

  • w = word, t = tag, c = class, p = position (word index in sentence)

  • , = AND

this will fire features which associate the position of a word, and the position of it’s previous and next words, to the part-of-speech tag, distsim class and entity type.




The useGazettes=true and gazetee=list_of_files states that the model should use gazetteers to generate features, the gazetteers files format is: ent_type \t entry for instance:

LOC  Berlin
LOC  Lisboa
LOC  Zurique

cleanGazette=true means that a feature is generated for a sequence of tokens when all the tokens (in that sequence) match a gazette entry.

Name Lists

checkNameList=true if set to true it will look at the files specified by lastNameList, maleNameList, femaleNameList, and add these as features for person names, here each name is split into an individual word, and the feature is just a single word, in the list of names.

Distributional Similarity

The flag useDistSim=true, will trigger the load of the file specified by distSimLexicon, this file should contain a word and a class identifier for that word, or the other way around depending on distSimFileFormat. The idea is to use distributional similarity, based on classes, as features.

One just first needs to generate these distributional similarity classes for words. There many methods to learn, from a big corpus, such word classes words. Two possible methods are:

casedDistSim=true states wether the tokens should be lowercased or not before looking in the distSimLexicon file. You can also set a default class for words that are not found, with the parameter unknownWordDistSimClass, more parameters regarding the distributional similarity can be found in the file.

Below you can see the performance results for this set of features:

          Precision    Recall     F1

B-LOC	    0.713      0.719	 0.716
I-LOC	    0.675      0.419	 0.517

B-ORG	    0.810      0.675	 0.736
I-ORG	    0.746      0.518	 0.611

B-PER	    0.896      0.770	 0.828
I-PER	    0.857      0.701	 0.771

B-WRK	    0.825      0.505	 0.627
I-WRK	    0.749      0.311	 0.440

It doesn’t seem so bad, but let’s see if we can do better.

Experiment 2

Next, on a second experiment I switched on a few more features. The idea is then to run again the training and testing for the same folds and see how the performance varies, and doing this with different sets of features, switched on or off.

I added the following two features to the baseline features:

  • useWordPairs: Gives you features for (pw, w, c) and (w, nw, c)

  • useWordTag: Include word and tag pair features

this will fire joint features like the position of the word and the word and the class of the word.

Running again the train/testing on the 5 folds, I got the following results:

          Precision    Recall     F1

B-LOC	    0.735      0.750	 0.743
I-LOC	    0.684      0.462	 0.552

B-ORG	    0.828      0.718	 0.769
I-ORG	    0.753      0.554	 0.639

B-PER	    0.907      0.812	 0.857
I-PER	    0.853      0.715	 0.778

B-WRK	    0.857      0.578	 0.690
I-WRK	    0.783      0.370	 0.502

There is a significant boost in the both precision and recall results, comparing with the previous results, so it seems we are on the right path :) The only thing is the recall for the I-LOC, I-ORG and I-WRK which still a bit low comparing with the recall values for the other tags.

Experiment 3

Next, I added two more features:

  • useShapeConjunctions: conjoins the shape of word with it’s tag and position

  • useSymTags: gives the features (pt, t, nt, c), (t, nt, c), (pt, t, c)

          Precision    Recall     F1

B-LOC	    0.737      0.745	 0.737
I-LOC	    0.677      0.460	 0.548

B-ORG	    0.823      0.703	 0.758
I-ORG	    0.746      0.547	 0.631

B-PER	    0.904      0.797	 0.847
I-PER	    0.850      0.710	 0.774

B-WRK	    0.857      0.565	 0.681
I-WRK	    0.784      0.381	 0.513

This resulted in overall lower results than before, I suspected this was mainly due to the huge amount of features generated by the useSymTags flag, so I turned it off for the next experiment.

Experiment 4

So in the next experiment I turned off the useSymTags but keep useShapeConjunctions and added useOccurrencePatterns:

          Precision    Recall     F1

B-LOC	    0.738      0.746	 0.742
I-LOC	    0.680      0.468	 0.555

B-ORG	    0.826      0.725	 0.772
I-ORG	    0.739      0.562	 0.639

B-PER	    0.905      0.814	 0.857
I-PER	    0.847      0.717	 0.776

B-WRK	    0.854      0.580	 0.691
I-WRK	    0.771      0.370	 0.500

this kept more or less the same results, with some improvements for the I-LOC and I-ORG, but a lower I-WRK, as you can see it’s hard to keep improving every tag.

Best Results

I continued played around with more features until finally obtained some satisfactory results, after running several experiments, and trying different features and parameters, this was the final list of features I got:


plus the baseline features described in the first experiment.
          Precision    Recall     F1

B-LOC	    0.795      0.765	 0.779
I-LOC	    0.779      0.578	 0.664

B-ORG	    0.845      0.710	 0.772
I-ORG	    0.832      0.666	 0.740

B-PER	    0.909      0.799	 0.850
I-PER	    0.873      0.769	 0.818

B-WRK	    0.857      0.588	 0.698
I-WRK	    0.808      0.490	 0.610

With some more research the recall for I-LOC, I-ORG and I-WRK could probably still be improved.

Learning Algorithm

StanfordNER supports a few numerical optimization algorithms. One can see which ones are implemented and can be used to train the CRF by looking into the getMinimizer() method in the file.

I configured my properties file to use the Orthant-Wise Limited-memory Quasi-Newton, by setting:


The L1-prior can be set with:


An useful trick is to play with the convergence tolerance parameter TOL, which is checked at each iteration:

|newest_val - previous_val| / |newestVal| < TOL

the TOL is controlled by:


Yet another useful parameter is to explicitly control the maximum number of iterations for which the learning algorithm should run, for instance:


After doing feature selection and trying different parameters of the learning algorithm, you train a model on all your data with using best set of features and the best parameters for the learning algorithm.

Setting up a web service

Once a model has been trained you can apply it to text just as shown in the beginning of this post, but a most common use case is to have a web service or a HTTP endpoint, where you submit a sentence or articles, and get back the text with the named-entities identified.

StanfordNER can work as a server, it’s a built-in feature, indeed very useful. To start StanfordNER as a server:

java -mx2g -cp stanford-ner-2017-06-09/stanford-ner.jar -loadClassifier my_model.ser.gz -textFile -port 9191 -outputFormat inlineXML

You can then just simply telnet to that port, type a sentence, and get back the text tokenized and tagged, for instance:

dsbatista@Davids-MacBook-Pro:~$ telnet 9191
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Switzerland, Davos 2018: Soros accuses Trump of wanting a 'mafia state' and blasts social media.

<LOCATION>Switzerland</LOCATION>, <PERSON>Davos</PERSON> 2018: <PERSON>Soros</PERSON> accuses <PERSON>Trump</PERSON> of wanting a 'mafia state' and blasts social media.

Connection closed by foreign host.

or one can also wrap the inside a python script with PyNER:

In [14]: tagger = ner.SocketNER(host='localhost', port=9191)

In [15]: tagger.get_entities("Switzerland, Davos 2018: Soros accuses Trump of wanting a 'mafia state' and blasts social media.")
Out[15]: {'LOCATION': ['Switzerland'], 'PERSON': ['Davos', 'Soros', 'Trump']}

In [16]: tagger.tag_text("Switzerland, Davos 2018: Soros accuses Trump of wanting a 'mafia state' and blasts social media.")
Out[16]: "<LOCATION>Switzerland</LOCATION>, <PERSON>Davos</PERSON> 2018: <PERSON>Soros</PERSON> accuses <PERSON>Trump</PERSON> of wanting a 'mafia state' and blasts social media."


A template features file, the evaluation scripts, and the gazetteers are all here:

The dictionaries and gazetteers used for feature generation are publicly available here:

There are also other NER datasets which can be used for supervised learning:

Some features are documented in Frequently Asked Questions, but by looking at following classes one can find much more information and details, and also undocumented and newly released template features: code javadoc code javadoc code javadoc
